Course schedule

Here is the current week-by-week schedule 📅 . We may adjust as we go along. To get started, we’re going to create the calendar of weeks for the course programmatically rather than manually!

## import modules
import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np

## tell python to display output and print multiple objects
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"

## create range b/t start and end date
## of course 
start_date = pd.to_datetime("2021-03-29")
end_date = pd.to_datetime("2021-06-02")
st_alldates = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date)

## subset to days in that range equal to Tuesday or Thursday
st_tuth = st_alldates[st_alldates.day_name().isin(['Tuesday', 'Thursday'])]

## create data frame with that information
st_dates = [re.sub("2021\\-", "", str( for day in st_tuth] 
course_sched = pd.DataFrame({'dow': st_tuth.day_name(), 'st_tuth': st_dates})
course_sched['date_toprint'] = course_sched.dow.astype(str) + " " + \
course_sched = course_sched['date_toprint']

## display the resulting date sequence

## next block of code creates the
## actual content; can click "show"
## to see the underlying code
Copy to clipboard
0      Tuesday 03-30
1     Thursday 04-01
2      Tuesday 04-06
3     Thursday 04-08
4      Tuesday 04-13
5     Thursday 04-15
6      Tuesday 04-20
7     Thursday 04-22
8      Tuesday 04-27
9     Thursday 04-29
10     Tuesday 05-04
11    Thursday 05-06
12     Tuesday 05-11
13    Thursday 05-13
14     Tuesday 05-18
15    Thursday 05-20
16     Tuesday 05-25
17    Thursday 05-27
18     Tuesday 06-01
Name: date_toprint, dtype: object
Copy to clipboard
## create the actual content

### list of concepts
concepts = ["Course intro. and checking software setup",
             "Workflow basics: command line, Github workflow, basic LaTeX syntax, pre-analysis plans",
            "Workflow basics (continued)",
             "Python pandas review: aggregation, joins, lambda and user-defined functions",
            "Python pandas review: aggregation, joins, lambda and user-defined functions",
                        "Problem set one work session",
            "Intro to merging",
            "Probabilistic matching: part one",
            "Probabilistic matching: part two",
             "Text as data: part one",
            "Text as data: part two",
            "Problem set two work session and intro to APIs",
             "APIs continued",
             "APIs continued; SQL part one",
             "SQL part two",
            "Final project work session",
             "Scraping + final project work session",
             "Final presentations"]

## combine
course_sched_concepts = pd.DataFrame({'Week': course_sched,
                                     'Concepts': concepts})

df = course_sched_concepts.copy()

Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
              Week                                           Concepts
0    Tuesday 03-30          Course intro. and checking software setup
1   Thursday 04-01  Workflow basics: command line, Github workflow...
2    Tuesday 04-06                        Workflow basics (continued)
3   Thursday 04-08  Python pandas review: aggregation, joins, lamb...
4    Tuesday 04-13  Python pandas review: aggregation, joins, lamb...
5   Thursday 04-15                       Problem set one work session
6    Tuesday 04-20                                   Intro to merging
7   Thursday 04-22                                              Regex
8    Tuesday 04-27                   Probabilistic matching: part one
9   Thursday 04-29                   Probabilistic matching: part two
10   Tuesday 05-04                             Text as data: part one
11  Thursday 05-06                             Text as data: part two
12   Tuesday 05-11     Problem set two work session and intro to APIs
13  Thursday 05-13                                     APIs continued
14   Tuesday 05-18                       APIs continued; SQL part one
15  Thursday 05-20                                       SQL part two
16   Tuesday 05-25                         Final project work session
17  Thursday 05-27              Scraping + final project work session
18   Tuesday 06-01                                Final presentations
Copy to clipboard
## add datacamp modules conditionally
col = "Concepts"

### older code on more exhaustive modules
# topics  = [df[col] == "Python basic data wrangling: data structures (vectors; lists; dataframes; matrices), control flow, and loops", 
#                df[col] == "Python basic data wrangling: basic regular expressions and text mining",
#                df[col] ==  "Python basic data wrangling: combining data (row binds, column binds, joins); aggregation",
#                df[col] == "Review of visualization: ggplot; plotnine",
#                df[col] == "Python: writing your own functions",
#                df[col] == "Python: text data using nltk and gensim",
#                df[col] ==  "SQL: reading data from a database and basic SQL (postgres) syntax",
#                df[col] == "SQL: more advanced SQL syntax (subqueries; window functions)",
#                df[col] == "Python: reading data from APIs and basic web scraping"]
# datacamp_modules = ["Python basics; python lists; Pandas: extracting and transforming data; Intermediate python for data science (loops)",
#                    "First three modules of regular expressions in Python",
#                    "Merging DataFrames with Pandas",
#                    "Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2",
#                    "Python data science toolbox (Part one): user-written functions, default args, lambda functions and error handling",
#                    "Natural language processing fundamentals in Python",
#                    "Introduction to databases in Python",
#                    "Intermediate SQL",
#                    "Importing JSON data and working with APIs; Importing data from the Internet"]

topics_trunc = [df[col] ==  "Workflow basics (continued)",
               df[col] == "Merging (continued) and PSET 1 review"]
datacamp_modules_trunc = ["Data manipulation with Pandas",
                         "Regular expressions for pattern matching"]

df["DataCamp module(s) (if any)"] =, 
                                     default = "")

date_col = "Week"
due_dates = [df[date_col] == "Tuesday 04-20",
            df[date_col] == "Tuesday 04-27",
            df[date_col] == "Thursday 05-13",
             df[date_col] == "Tuesday 05-18",
             df[date_col] == "Thursday 05-20",
            df[date_col] == "Tuesday 06-01"]
assig = ["Problem set one",
        "Final project step 1",
        "Problem set two: part one",
        "Problem set two: part two",
        "Final project step 2 (due Sunday 05.23 at 11:59 PM EST)",
        "Slides for final presentation (due Tuesday 06.01 at 5 PM EST)"]

df["Due (11:59 PM EST unless otherwise specified)"] =,
                     default = "")

## add slides or tutorial link
# df['Link to slides or tutorial'] =[df["Concepts"] == "Course intro. and checking software setup",
#                                              df["Concepts"] == "Workflow basics: command line, Github workflow, basic LaTeX syntax, pre-analysis plans"],
#                                             ["",
#                                             ""],
#                                             default = "")

# df['Link to slides or tutorial'] = np.where(df['Link to slides or tutorial'] != "",
#                         '<a target="_blank" href=' + df['Link to slides or tutorial'] + '><div>' + "Link" + '</div></a>',
#                         "")

# df['Link to activity (blank)'] =[df["Concepts"] == "Workflow basics: command line, Github workflow, basic LaTeX syntax, pre-analysis plans"],
#                                             [""],
#                                             default = "")

# df['Link to activity (blank)'] = np.where(df['Link to activity (blank)'] != "",
#                         '<a target="_blank" href=' + df['Link to activity (blank)'] + '><div>' + "Link" + '</div></a>',
#                         "")
Copy to clipboard
HTML(df.to_html(index=False, escape = False))
Copy to clipboard
Week Concepts DataCamp module(s) (if any) Due (11:59 PM EST unless otherwise specified)
Tuesday 03-30 Course intro. and checking software setup
Thursday 04-01 Workflow basics: command line, Github workflow, basic LaTeX syntax, pre-analysis plans
Tuesday 04-06 Workflow basics (continued) Data manipulation with Pandas
Thursday 04-08 Python pandas review: aggregation, joins, lambda and user-defined functions
Tuesday 04-13 Python pandas review: aggregation, joins, lambda and user-defined functions
Thursday 04-15 Problem set one work session
Tuesday 04-20 Intro to merging Problem set one
Thursday 04-22 Regex
Tuesday 04-27 Probabilistic matching: part one Final project step 1
Thursday 04-29 Probabilistic matching: part two
Tuesday 05-04 Text as data: part one
Thursday 05-06 Text as data: part two
Tuesday 05-11 Problem set two work session and intro to APIs
Thursday 05-13 APIs continued Problem set two: part one
Tuesday 05-18 APIs continued; SQL part one Problem set two: part two
Thursday 05-20 SQL part two Final project step 2 (due Sunday 05.23 at 11:59 PM EST)
Tuesday 05-25 Final project work session
Thursday 05-27 Scraping + final project work session
Tuesday 06-01 Final presentations Slides for final presentation (due Tuesday 06.01 at 5 PM EST)